Hey y'all! I moved to my own website! It's www.thediychronicles.com. Come see me!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Turning Dreams into Reality

  So...one of the many reasons for creating this blog is to generate interest in my art, crafts and creations. Soon, I will be opening my etsy shop to sell things that I've made.  Anyway, I tried blogger to see if I actually enjoyed blogging and I do, but I don't like certain aspects of this platform.  So, before I accumulate too many posts, I have decided to go with a .com.  So, my posts this week will be slim, as I'm currently knee deep in website building and about to pull my hair out.

  Soon, theDIYchronicles.com will be up and running.  There I will post my projects, tourist tales and other stories about our life, but I will also (eventually) add a shop.  I'm going to use etsy first, because it's already developed and pretty well known.  Anyway, tomorrow I'm meeting with an AWESOME local artist, who is also an incredible graphic designer to create a header and some other custom graphics for the site.  Then it's onto content there, and hopefully by the end of this week, I will be completely switched over to my own .com as opposed to a .blogspot.com.

  The following week, I hope to stock the shelves in my etsy store, and have that up and running as well.  Big things are happening in my little virtual corner...and hopefully the switch will benefit both me and you!  I've had quite a few phone calls or texts saying "I tried to comment, but I don't want to sign up with google" or "I followed you, I don't know why it's not showing".  I'm still very new to this, and figuring things out as I go, but I'm hoping having my own website will make things much easier.  If anyone is reading this blog, and has tips for me, please shoot me an e-mail.  It will be GREATLY appreciated.

  In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for me!  I'm trying to turn this little experiment into a permanent, potentially life changing business venture.  I've said I wanted to sell my art for years, but with our lifestyle, I don't want to open a brick and mortar shop.  I don't want to be tied geographically to any one place.  By using a blog, etsy and my own .com, my dreams will hopefully begin to shape into a reality!  See ya soon.


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